The Novena preceding the Feast of the Relic of St. Anthony was held at Milagres Church on the eighth day
February 14, 2023
The Novena Mass for the relic feast of St. Anthony was held at Milagres Church at 6:00 p.m. Rev. Fr. Clany Dsouza, rector of Krupa Sadhan Minor Seminary in Bajpe, was the main celebrant for mass. The theme for the day was “Tongue is a help to our mission; it has different talents.” In his homily, Fr. Clany spoke on the theme by highlighting different examples from the Bible. Rev. Fr. J. B. Crasta and Rev. Fr. Larry Pinto con-celebrated the mass.

At the end of the mass, Fr. Larry conducted the novena in honour of St. Anthony, during which special prayers were offered for the inmates of the St. Anthony Ashram. St. Ann’s Frairy Choir Group sang and joined in on Thanksgiving.