St Philomena College Felicitates Retiring Vice Principal Dr AP Radhakrishna on his attaining Superannuation – KONKANCATHOLIC.COM

St Philomena College Felicitates Retiring Vice Principal Dr AP Radhakrishna on his attaining Superannuation

November 11, 2023

Puttur, 10 November: Dr AP Radhakrishna, who dedicated 36 years of his career to the Department of Physics at St Philomena College Puttur, is honoured at the PG Seminar Hall of the College on November 9, 2023. Very Rev. Fr Lawrence Mascarenhas, Correspondent of the College, presided over the felicitation programme and spoke, emphasizing his unwavering commitment to excellence and having been an inspiring professor throughout his long career. He wished Dr A. P. Radhakrishna a fulfilling life ahead.

Rev. Dr Antony Prakash Monteiro, the principal, shared the nostalgic memories connected with their careers as professor and student, as well as vice principal and principal, respectively. His services to the college in various capacities are acknowledged with due admiration.

Campus Director Rev. Fr Stany Pinto lauded the extended service and expressed his well-wishes, hoping for him to enjoy a healthy and peaceful retirement.

In his address, Dr AP Radhakrishna shared his reminiscences connected to the college and his profession with joy and contentment. He thanked everyone who had been a part of his successful career.

Vice Principal Prof. Ganesh Bhat was gracefully present on the occasion.

During the proceedings, Suraksha and team led the prayer, and Dr Dimple Jennifer Fernandes, President of the Staff Association, extended a warm welcome. Dr K. Chandrashekhar, HoD, Physics,  delivered the felicitation address, while Dr Malini, Department of Chemistry, read the citation letter. Basthyam Pais, Secretary of the Staff Association, proposed a vote of thanks.