Lecture on ‘Spiritual Insights from Indian Religions’ at Roshni Nilaya, Mangaluru
Mangaluru: The Chair in Christianity and the AICUF unit of School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya jointly organized a lecture on ‘Spiritual Insights from Indian Religions’ on 21st October 2022 at Maria Paiva Hall, Roshni Nilaya Campus. The speaker of the day was Rev. Dr Henry D’ Almeida SJ, a polyglot, Indologist and professor of philosophy, Jnana-Deepa, Pune. Ms Vandana D’Souza, AICUF animator, introduced him to the audience.
Dr Henry mentioned various reasons why one should be bothered about other religions. He stressed that it is an existential need. India is a museum of religions. Religion should bind us and not cause bondage. He dealt on the spiritual wisdom of three religions, namely, Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. The key word for spirituality in Hinduism is ‘yoga.’ He spoke on various aspects and implications of yoga in Hinduism. He also explained the ethics of Jainism and Buddhism and their relevance for our lives. He quoted from the Rgveda, “Let noble thoughts come to us from all directions.” Spirituality should enable us to be open to others and reach out to them.

There were questions and interactions from the participants. Dr. Juliet C.J. Principal, School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya, addressed the gathering. Ms Vineetha Pereira, Assistant professor of the department of English anchored the session and proposed the vote of thanks. The students of Roshni Nilaya, St Joseph’s Seminary and other guests were present and they were given participation certificates. Around 150 participants found the lecture enlightening, inspiring and practical.