Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh city deanery to celebrate Silver Jubilee on October 15
Mangaluru: Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh (R) City Deanery celebrates its silver jubilee on October 15, 2023, at St. Joseph the Worker Church, Vamanjoor.
At 4.30 pm, there will be a solemn thanksgiving mass with the main celebrant, Bishop Emeritus of Mangalore Diocese, Aloysius Paul ‘D’Souza, accompanied by other priests, followed by a cultural programme at 6.00 pm at Vamanjoor Church Sabha Bhavan.
Mr. Wilfred Alvares Bondel, the president of the city deanery, will preside over the celebration with chief guests Rev. Fr. James Dsouza, the Vicar Forane and Parish priest of Vamanjoor. Mr. Alwyn D’Souza, Panir president of the Central Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh, Mrs. Vilma Monteiro, general secretary of the same, and Rev. Fr. William Menezes, parish priest of Angelore Church and spiritual director of the city deanery, are accompanied by guests of honour, including the founder president, Mr. Martin R. D’Souza. Mr. Charles Pais vice president of the parish council Vamanjoor Church. Mr Patrick Lobo, president of the local body.

All 10 units coming under the city deanery – Angerore, Bajal,Bajjodi, Bondel, Derebail, Fermai, Kelarai, Neermarga, Shakthinagar, and Vamanjoor—will be performing at the cultural event and the programme will conclude with a fellowship meal.
Mr. Prashant M. Saldanha, convener of the programme, and the organisers are expecting good support from all units and well-wishers in making this Silver Jubilee celebration a memorable one.