Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament and special prayer service held at St Anthony’s Ashram Jeppu
October 2, 2020
Mangaluru: St Anthony’s Ashram Jeppu on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanthi conducted three hour long Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament and offered Holy Mass for the relief from ‘Covid 19’ and for the gift of peace to all people all over the world.
Fr Onil D’Souza the director of the Ashram and Fr Clifford Fernandes Parish Priest of St Joseph Church Jeppu conducted the adoration. Fr Richard Quadros (Cap) prayed for the sick and offered the Holy Mass. The Mangalore Service Team (Charismatic) conducted praise and worship. Brother John D’Souza, Ferrar provided music ministry.
Photos by: Stanley Bantwal