The nine-day novena in preparation for the annual feast of St Anthony Basilica, Dornahalli, begins
Dornahalli, Mysore: As the Annual Feast of St Anthony is around the corner, a nine-day novena to the Saint began on May 4, 2023, in St Anthony’s Basilica, Dornahalli, Mysore .
Most Rev.Dr Bernard Moras, Apostolic Administrator, Diocese of Mysore, inaugurated the new religious stall of the basilica with Rev.Fr N.T. Joseph, Rector, St Anthony Basilica, Dornahalli, and Rev.Fr Praveen Pedru, Administrator,St Anthony’s Basilica, Dornahalli. Inaugurated Novena by hoisting the flag by Most Rev.Dr Bernard Moras, Apostolic Administrator, Diocese of Mysore, along with Rev.Fr N.T. Joseph, Rector, St Anthony Basilica, Dornahalli, and Rev.Fr Praveen Pedru, Administrator,St Anthony’s Basilica, Dornahalli, with Fr James Dominic, Fr Pakiya Raj, Fr Vijay Kumar, Fr Avinash, Fr Praveen Kumar G, Fr Clifford, Fr Christhoper, Fr Charles.

On the first day of the novena, the mass was celebrated by Most Rev.Dr Bernard Moras, Apostolic Administrator, Diocese of Mysore. A procession of holy relic was organised soon after the mass and the benediction of the holy Eucharist were conducted.
A multitude of devotees participated in the devotion.
The nine-day novena in preparation for the annual feast of St Anthony will go up to 12th June 2023. On June 13, 2023 Tuesday, festival high mass will be at 10 am in Kannada, celebrated by Most Rev.Dr Bernard Moras , Apostolic Administrator, Diocese of Mysore.