St Philomena Premiere League Season -3 Inaugurated
Puttur 6, May: Department of Physical Education, St Philomena College and Student Council jointly organized St Philomena Premiere League (SPL) – Season – 3 for the cricket players of the College on 06 May 2023 at historical St Philomena College Grounds. The Overarm Cricket tournament was inaugurated by Rev. Fr Stany Pinto, Campus Director of the College by lighting the sacred lamp.
In his inaugural address on the occasion, he said that, active participation in sports results in the exhibition of talent. Cricket is a gentleman game and it helps in stimulating the inner energy of a sportsman. Sports plays an important role in the all-round development of an individual. He wished the players to keep a right spirit irrespective of winning and losing.

Rev. Dr Antony Prakash Monteiro, Principal, in his Presidential remarks said that, may it be any sports, it is not always possible to win every game. Sometimes losing is inevitable. It is rule of life. It is possible to win in sports only when all the players play in a right spirit of valuing each one along with retaining the decorum of the institution and that should be the way how life should move on.
Eight Teams PHILO HAWKS, TEAM AGASTHYA, MAD DEVILS, XAVIENS, AERX, HAWKS 14, TEAM DBZ and AGNI BROTHERS were in the field. Every team had an owner, manager, mentor, coach and a physio along with two icon players. After the League level, there is Qualifier and Eliminator matches.
Student Welfare officers Dr Chandrashekhar, Mrs Bharathi S Rai, Physical Education Director Mr Elias Pinto and Student Council Office bearers were graciously present on the dais. Student Council President Mr Mohammad Ashik welcomed Joint Secretary Ms Shivani proposed vote of thanks. NCC cadet Ms Raksha Anchan compered the Programme.