Session on ‘Human Trafficking organized at St Agnes PU College
Mangaluru: Human trafficking is a grave issue with extended ramifications that impact and erode the basic structure of society. The word ‘Human Trafficking’ can be defined as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring, or receipt of people through force, fraud, or deception with the aim of exploiting them for profit. St Agnes PU College organized a session on this pertinent topic on August 11, 2023, in the college auditorium.
The key speaker, Mr Harold DSouza, a survivor advocate and Public speaker, spoke about the journey of his life, how he had become a victim of debt bondage, and the manner in which he was exploited at the hands of a human trafficker. He detailed incidents in his life and spoke at length about his epic struggle when he lost his freedom and struggled to keep his family safe. Mr Harold is the co-founder of ‘Eyes Open International’ which focuses on prevention and seeks to be a champion for victims of trafficking. Mr Harold conducted an interesting ‘Q & A Session’ with the enraptured students, gave a clarion call to action to the youth, and warned them to be prudent and cautious.

Sr Norine DSouza, the Principal greeted the resource person with a floral bouquet. Mrs Preema Pereira welcomed the chief guest and introduced him to the audience and Mrs Joanne Sheethal rendered the vote of thanks.
Mr Alwyn DSouza, Mr Neville Pereira, Sr Maria Gloria, Headmistress, St Agnes High school, all three members of Family Commission, Bendur Parish were the other guest of honour.
The Vice Principal Sr Janet Sequeira, the faculty and the students were a part of the audience.