21 Pastoral Commissions’ Secretaries of Mangalore Diocese undergo On-Going Formation at Pastoral Centre, Bajjodi
MANGALURU, AUG 12: To boost the execution of a new pastoral plan of the diocese, the on-going formation for the pastoral commission secretaries was held at Pastoral Centre, Bajjodi on August 12, 2021.
The resource person Rev. Fr Faustine Lobo, Regional Director, Bangalore enlightened the secretaries on the pastoral plan, its content and the manner in which it is executed at the diocesan, deanery and parish level to achieve expected growth in social, political, administrative, economic, technological, and cultural and environment areas.

“Planning is very important for development. Failing to plan is planning to fail. The process of planning involves the analysis of the present condition, fixing clear vision and mission with proper goals and objectives and a concrete action plan to achieve a desired growth within a given time,” said Fr Faustine.
In his address Bishop, Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha quoting the Former Minister President of Prussia Otto von Bismarck said, “A really great man is known by three signs-generosities in the design, humanity in the execution, and moderation in success. We must follow the same in planning and executing our pastoral plan.” He emphasised the need for deepening the faith through evangelisation in the diocese. 21 pastoral commissions facilitate to gear the diocese up towards development.
Rev. Fr Joseph Martis, Diocesan Coordinator, Pastoral Commissions welcomed the gathering and moderated the on-going formation. Fr Ashwin Cardoza, Secretary, Commission for Youth led the Prayer. Msgr. Maxim L. Noronha, Vicar General said the grace before meals. Fr Santhosh Rodrigues, Director, Pastoral Institute compared the programme.