17 BASLP Inaugurated at Father Muller
Mangaluru: The Father Muller Mini Dine, in the Father Muller Convention Centre was decorated in welcoming the newly admitted 33 students in the Bachelor in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (BASLP) course in the Father Muller College on 16 August. The event had Dr Raju Krishna Chalannavar, Registrar Evaluation, Mangalore University, and presided over by Rev. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho, Director of the Father Muller Charitable Institutions. Many parents and well-wishers
The course inauguration 2023–24 of the 17th BASLP, which had its modest beginning with 3 students, has grown in stature over the years at Mangalore University with an intake of 33 students in the undergraduate course. Principal Ms Cynthia Santhmayor welcomed the gathering and presented a report on the growth of the college and its UG and PG programs. With the symbolic lighting of the lamp, the 17th batch was ushered into the college, teaming with the whole institution under the umbrella of FMCI.
Dr Raju Krishna in his address to the students and parents, gave the analogy of a mango, which, though it has many colors, has a thick fleshy pulp under its skin, which in turn turns over the seed shell, which covers the seed. The seed depends on the other layers for its existence, and the fruit itself then depends on the seed for its existence. Thus, a student in this prestigious institution will have their parents, mentors, and management help them develop into professionals, while in turn the student will see the aspirations of their parents being met and being an Alumni of good stature.

The work ethic of the American should be followed where 20% of work leads to 80% of productivity rather than 80% of our work leading to only 20% productivity; thus, work smart rather than hard, tiring yourself. He asked the new students, How confident are they, and how confident will they be in achieving success? To which he replied that quenching one’s thirst with wisdom mattered the most. He ended with a saying of former President APJ Kalam, who said that in rain, most birds find shelter, while only the eagle flies above the clouds to avoid the rain. Thus, dream high and fly strong.
Fr Richard welcomed the students and prodded them to do their best. He said that it’s their choice that they are here, it’s in their interest to pass the interview and be here, so be the best in the subject of health and comfort. Survival of the fittest is the mantra, but the course looks to help the differently abled. Reservations are required to uplift the backward and the especially abled. So does this course, which has a direct impact on improving the speech and hearing impaired to be better and work independently in nation-building. We have no dearth of infrastructure, and all are available to students, thus making them seekers and healers. Be a beacon for those in strife and be touch bearers for justice and fraternity.
The vote of thanks was provided by Dr Ramandeep Kaur, Associate Prof., while the MCs for the day were Dr Usha, Associate Prof and Ms Lelissa Saldanha Lecturer. Dr B. Sanjev Rai Chief of Research, who is also the guiding light for the college, was on the Dais. Members of the faculty, staff, and students were present for the event, along with the parents of the newly inducted students.
The inaugural was continued with a few sessions on the college’s ethos, the facilities for students, and the way of life on campus. Curricular and extracurricular activities were also discussed, which made parents more responsible for their wards success in the institutions.