The 77th Independence Day celebrated with great zeal and vigour at St Agnes PU College
Mangaluru: The 77th Independence Day was celebrated with great zeal and vigour on the grounds of St Agnes PU College. This is a very significant day in the life of every Indian as we pay tribute to our leaders and freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives in their quest for liberty. This historic day commemorates the moment when our country became a sovereign nation after around 200 years of British colonial rule.
The chief guest, Dr R. Nagesh, was ceremonially welcomed with the guard of honour led by Commander Harsha. Ms Carol welcomed the gathering and introduced the distinguished chief guest of the day, Mr R. Nagesh, Ex-Army, Associate Professor Hindi, Dean of Arts and Languages, St Agnes College (Autonomous). The chief guest hoisted the tricolor in a solemn ceremony during the formal program on the grounds. Zuha Mariyam was the emcee for the outdoor program, while Claral and group invoked the blessings of the Almighty on our nation. Ms Ramya R.A. rendered the vote of thanks.

The chief guest greeted everyone present and extended warm wishes on this joyous occasion. He spoke on the need to appreciate the freedom that we enjoy today and exhorted the students to strive for a strong and vibrant nation that is united and resplendent in all its glory. He spoke on the need to subsume one’s ego for the greater good of the nation. He articulated the need to safeguard our hard won freedom and not allow it to be sacrificed on the altar of narrow sectarian interests.
He commended the students, Mrs Jayashree, Physical Director, and the convenors of the program, Mrs Chaithanya, Mrs Ramya H, Mrs Lavina Lobo and Mrs Evita Gomes, for the smooth functioning of the event.

A cultural cornucopia of events was held in the auditorium. The welcome dance mirrored the distinct cultures of India. Bharath Ki Betiyan, a dance drama, showcased and poignantly saluted all the women who have made India proud with their extraordinary achievements. Shreeraksha exhibited her exceptional talent by singing patriotic songs in Five languages. The inspirational songs and dances inspired awe and love for the country.
The cultural program was ably compered by Rochelle Madtha, and the day came to a close with the singing of the National Anthem. The Principal, Sr Norine DSouza, Vice Principal, Sr Janet Sequeira, the faculty, students, PTA Vice President, Prof. Joselyn Lobo, and PTA Joint Secretary, Dr Divya Damodhar, witnessed the magnificent program.