Solemn Celebration of Christmas at Infant Jesus Shrine, Carmel Hill
Mangaluru: After a long period of house rest and lack of public liturgical celebrations, the Christmas celebrations seem to have brought some solace to the faithful. After a long gap of 8-9 months the premises of Infant Jesus Shrine saw a good number of faithful gathered for a solemn celebration of Christmas.
The Holy Eucharist was held in the open ground. Rev. Fr Charles Serrao, Superior of St Joseph’s Monastery presided over the solemn mass. 14 friars and 2 deacons also concelebrated.

Fr Steve Lobo, breaking the word of God said, “God became man to live with us and to part take in all phases of our life. He laughed, cried, ate, spoke, performed healings among us and valued every single soul as his own! Thus goes the message of Christmas that ‘this Christmas should leave no one behind, no one alone!’ The pandemic has brought untold disasters and unexpressed sufferings in the family. This has caused depression in many and some have succumbed to suicide. Therefore this season should remind us to stand with and for others.”
After the Mass winners of star making competition were given prizes.
Pics: Carmel Studio