Mangaluru: The Inauguration of Research Forum of Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College was held on 03 February 2021 at 02.45 pm in the College Auditorium.
The Director of Father Muller Charitable Institutions, Rev. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho inaugurated the Research Forum. He expressed his joy on the birth of this research forum and thanked the Administrator on this initiative and also congratulated the faculty, postgraduates, and interns for involving themselves in this activity with a piece of advice to persevere. He stressed that “Research is the need of the hour and as the research needs are increasing, the institution has met the demands by constant up gradation and expansion.”
Dr B. Sanjeev Rai, Chief of Research, Father Muller Research Centre was the Chief Guest. The program began with a prayer song by the Interns of FMHMC.
Dr E S J Prabhu Kiran, Principal, FMHMC welcomed the gathering with a note on the requirement of this research forum among Homoeopathic practitioners.

The dignitaries Rev. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho, Rev. Fr Roshan Crasta, Dr. B Sanjeev Rai, Dr. Shivasankara A R, Dr E S J Prabhu Kiran, Dr Anita Lobo, and Dr Vivek Sakthidharan joined in the formal lighting of the lamp.
Dr Kurian P J, Research & Development Coordinator of FMHMC enlightened the gathering about the insight with which the logo for the research forum was conceived – INSPIRE, INNOVATE, IMPART – i3 in the trunk of a Banyan tree, synonymous to Homoeopathy and Father Muller in Mangalore.
The President of the function, Director, Rev. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho unveiled the logo of the research forum along with the other dignitaries on the dais.
Rev. Fr Roshan Crasta, Administrator, FMHMC&H in his message stressed the importance of a research forum to ignite the young minds to take up research as it is a part and parcel of medical education.
The mementos were presented to the Chief Guest and Resource Person by the Director. He also felicitated the Research Forum Coordinators, Dr Anita Lobo and Dr. Vivek Shakthidharan with a floral bouquet.
Dr Anita Lobo, Research Forum Coordinator, proposed the vote of thanks.
Following the inaugural function, Dr Sanjeev Rai, in his keynote address explained the objectives, categories, research process info graphic, homoeopathic aspects in research, authorizations for initiating research studies, and other essential areas in doing research.
Dr. Shivashankara A R, Professor of Department of Biochemistry, Father Muller Medical College and Member Secretary, Father Muller Institution Ethics Committee, delivered a training session titled ‘Research – the way forward’. The training was lively by giving details on the submission of protocol till the publication of a paper.
The research forum members actively participated in this session. Dr. Anusha G Sunil was the MC for the program.