Lourdes Central School celebrates ‘Monthi Fest’
Mangaluru: “Ave Maria, Gratia Plena, Dominus Tecum, Benedicta tu. “
Means Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you, and blessed are you amongst women. Mother Mary Is the greatest mother of all, so we the Mangaloreans celebrate her birthday in a unique way.
The Lourdite family gathered to celebrate the birthday of Mother Mary on Tuesday 7th of September. A short and meaningful celebration was held at LCS Lobby. The programme began invoking God’s blessings through prayer song led by Mr.Ivan Mascarenhas and team. Ma’am Prema Lasrado welcomed the gathering. The significance of the day was beautifully read out by Ma’am Shaila Pereira, in which she highlighted about “Monthi Fest” a unique feast of Dakshina Kannada and God. “Monthi Fest” sees the community gathering to celebrate the birthday of Mother Mary, and it is also a time to give thanks for the new crops.
Nine days of prayerful Novenas are held before the feast, which is followed by a family celebration on 8th of September every year. Children gather with baskets of fresh flowers to offer Mother Mary, followed by blessing of the freshly grown paddy. Paddy is a staple food of Mangalore, forming a key part of every meal. Hence the first grain is offered in prayer, and blessed to be further distributed among the family members.

Happiness is to hold flowers in both hands and offer it to Mother Mary. Lourdite family too happily offered flowers to our little Maria Bambino.
“Sharing is caring” this concept is very well practiced at Lourdes Central School. So during the celebration of the feast of nativity food kits were distributed to the school drivers so that they too can have a sumptuous meal at home.
Principal Rev. Fr. Robert D’Souza in his speech extended the festive greetings to LCS family and asked the students to follow the values which Mother Mary our Patroness followed throughout her life. He said there is a great bond between mother earth and human being. He urged everyone to take care of mother earth which in turn connects us to the earth. Being a Lourdite, we should be more concerned towards the environment and should try to take care of the needy.
Vice Principal Ma’am Belita Mascarenhas and Rev. Deacon Anush D’cunha graced the occasion.
The programme concluded with Vote of Thanks by Ms. Saira Pinto.
The whole programme was compered beautifully by Ms. Francisa Dsouza.