Lourdes Central School, Bejai, Mangaluru, observes Community Helpers Day.
Mangaluru: “Real strength has to do with helping others” –Fred Rogers
People help each other in our community in different ways. They make things better for you and me. Lourdes Central School Kindergarten Section beautifully presented a programme on “Community Helpers” on the 28th January in the Kindergarten auditorium. The ancillary staffs were the centre of attraction.
The Programme started with prayer song ‘Come Fill my World’ followed by significance of the day by a student Ms Joan of KG 2. A role play on the Community Helpers and their duties was fantastically showcased by the young learners and it was appreciated by the parents and the LCS fraternity. Fr Jason Pais who was the chief guest of the day was touched with the little act of gratitude rendered to the community helpers by the students and the School and expressed his gratitude by saying this, “No Job is Big or Small”. Everyone has to be respected. He put forth few questions to the students which they answered with full confidence.

Fr Jason Pais honoured the ancillary staff Ms Philomena Pereira, Ms Janet Peris and the security person Mr Chandrahasa with a bouquet of flowers.
In connection with the Hindi Week, Hindi poetry competition winners were awarded and the programme concluded with volte of thanks by Ms Lavita DSouza who also compered the programme.