‘Embrace Humanity’—144th Annual Day celebrated at St Aloysius PU College
Mangaluru: The 144th Annual Day of St Aloysius Pre-University College was celebrated on December 8, 2023, in the college grounds with the theme ‘Embrace Humanity’. The program began with the NCC team escorting the dignitaries to the venue with a guard of honor. A soulful rendition by the choir “I am a Child of God” and an exquisite invocation dance performance set the tone for the spectacular event.
The Chief Guest Group Captain Rhonston Soans, Project Manager (Combat Systems), DRDO, an eminent and accomplished alumnus of St. Aloysius College, reminisced about his college days and expressed nostalgia after returning to his alma mater. He stated that individuals of different generations cannot be compared on the same scale and therefore should accept, acknowledge, and appreciate each other with empathy and understanding. He emphasized the importance of accomplishing life’s minor goals without losing focus on the larger ones. Group Captain Soans said that one should not miss day-to-day opportunities to experience life to the fullest, as life is unpredictable. He felt that one experiences the challenges and struggles of the real world only after stepping out of college and should focus on acquiring the skills needed to face them. The Chief Guest felt that success is relative and ‘true success’ is measured by how our friends, family, and loved ones see us.

Rev. Father Melwyn Pinto SJ, the Rector of St. Aloysius Institutions, spoke in his presidential address on ‘Ubuntu’, an African tribe philosophy that denotes that empathy, compassion, and harmony need to be instilled in all. Fr Melwin stated that “I am because we are” is the real spirit that we need to follow. He highlighted the fact that humanity can be truly enriched only by building relationships.”
A glittering award distribution ceremony was followed by the Chief Guest felicitating the academic and sports achievers. Scholarships, memorial prizes, and awards for student achievements in national and international events were also given.
Fr. Clifford Sequeira SJ, the Principal of the institution, put forward the annual report of the college, showcasing the academic year packed with mega cultural events and fests, sports, spiritual programs, student association activities, and initiatives for social concern, environmental protection, and communal harmony, with a captivating video presentation. The principal thanked the almighty and expressed gratitude to the parents, faculty, and well-wishers for the completion of a successful academic year.
The formal function was followed by a plethora of cultural events—music, dance, and drama—which kept the audience enthralled. The Afro Jazz theme dance on the emblem, dance about War and Peace, drama, Marali Baradoorige, dance drama on humanity, beautifully wove the concept of embracing unity among all.

The Finance Officer, Fr Pradeep Sequeira SJ, the Campus Minister, Fr Anthony Derrick SJ, the Vice Principals, Mr. Muralikrishna GM, Ms. Vilma Fernandes, the Deans, Dr Pradeep M. and Ms. Kiran Shetty, and the Student Council, comprising President Nikhil K., Vice President Mohammed Rehaan Bawa, Secretary Manya Dechamma M., Joint Secretary Harsha A. Sharma, Cultural Secretary Jewel Isabella Cutinha, Nishchal Gangadhar Naiga, and Sports Secretary Sanketh B. Chowta, were also present on the dias.
The Vice Principal, G.M. Muralikrishna, introduced the Chief Guest to the gathering. Ms. Sara Crasta delivered the vote of thanks. The Masters of Ceremonies for the formal function were Ms. Dianne Lobo and Jaden D’Souza, students of II PUC.
The event coordinators were Mr Tulasi Kumar, Ms Oshin D’Silva Ms Vidyalaxmi, and Mr Mohanraj. The evening was a spectacular and outstanding one for the parents and students, who took back with them fond memories.