Azim Premji Foundation Conducts Campus Recruitment Drive for PG students at St Philomena College, Puttur.
Puttur, February 1: A Campus Recruitment drive for the Post of Associate Leader was held at St Philomena College by Azim Premji Foundation under the auspices of Alumni Association and Placement Cell of the College on 1 Feb 2023. An expert Team from Azim Premji Foundation ,Bangalore visited the College to recruit the eligible candidates. Mr Gopalakrishna I, HR Manager and Team conducted written test to shortlist the eligible candidates, who aspire to join the said Organization.

The HR Manager Mr Gopalakrishna I, addressed the students to orient about the job and to know the importance of learning. Mrs Prathibha K, Asst. professor, Department of MSW welcomed and compered the program. Mr Yashwantha G Nayak, Coordinator, Department of, Convener of PG Alumni and Placement Cell proposed vote of thanks.
39 interested candidates appeared for the written test in this Campus Recruitment Drive, 2023.