Annular Solar Eclipse on 26th December 2019
Mangaluru: St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangaluru is facilitating interested students and public to view the biggest astronomical event of the year- ‘Annular Solar Eclipse’ on 26th December in the college.
Association of Friends of Astronomy, Goa is also joining to facilitate the eclipse observation with special instruments and indirect methods. As directly viewing the Sun may cause permanent damage to the retina of the eye, it is advised that the general public should not to view the Sun directly. Indirect methods and solar filters (not sun goggles) must be used to view the Sun.

The solar eclipse can be viewed between 8.00 am to 11.00 am. Mangaluru will be the most suitable region in this coastal belt to view this solar eclipse. It will be a memorable moment to all those interested in astronomical events as the annular eclipse happens at 9.24 am.
This activity is organised by the Department of Physics and is open to all.
For more details contact: Dr Chandra Shekhara Shetty (94482 49153) or Mr Shawn DSouza (81233 40590).