“Agnofest 2023” – Logo unveiled at St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru
Mangaluru: St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru organised the launch of Agnofest 2022-23 on 25 February 2023 infront of the administrative block of the college. The launch introduced the theme and the logo of the fest.
The launch commenced with the rhythmic beats of the college band in a procession led by Dr Sr M. Venissa A.C., the Principal, Sr Clara A.C., the Vice Principal, Sr Carmel Rita A.C., the Administrator, the Event heads and the Cabinet members. The staff coordinators for the event are Dr Zubaida H. and Ms Raveena Mascarenhas, and the student coordinators are Ms Adeline Renjal and Ms Mahima Verghese.

The Principal Sr Dr M. Venissa A.C. unfurled the banner in burst of flower petals to reveal the theme CHADURANGA – One Species, Many Hues. Dr Zubaida H., the staff coordinator gave a brief introduction to the theme and explained the meaning of Chaduranga, which is a Kannada term for common garden flowers that bloom in range of colours. While the flowers represent the diversity of the Indian people, the term can also mean a four cornered contest.The Principal Sr Dr M Venissa A.C. in her presidential address encouraged and inspired the students to make the Fest a very enriching experience.
The Logo Launch included a stunning entry of students on bicycles, in a gesture of emphasising the most eco-friendly mode of transport on the campus; and an energetic flashmob that danced to a medley of Kannada songs.
Agnofest is a national level intercollegiate fest hosted by St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru, which will be held this year on 17 March 2023. There will be 10 exciting events with students participating from different colleges all over India.
The launch was witnessed by the faculty and the students of the college. The theme launch came to an end with the college anthem.