St Philomena College M.Com. Placed First in Paper Presentation – KONKANCATHOLIC.COM

St Philomena College M.Com. Placed First in Paper Presentation

July 18, 2023

Puttur: In the State-level Paper presentation competition ‘SAMSHODHANA 2K23’ organized by Canara College, Mangalore, Students of II M. Com., Centre for PG Studies and Research, St Philomena College Puttur bagged the First Prize. Suhasini and Akshay R. of II M. Com. secured the prize for the paper titled ‘Consumer Perception towards Social Media Marketing’.  Ankitha K., Pratham Jain, Arpitha P. S., and Rashiya Rai of II M. Com. also participated in this competition with papers titled ‘AI in the 21st Century: Revolutionizing the Future ‘and ‘A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Online Shopping’.

Yashvanth G. Nayak, Coordinator of the PG Dept. of Commerce, and Pruthvi K., Asst. Prof., Dept. of M. Com., provided necessary guidance to the students.