St Philomena College Celebrates International Women’s Day with an Inspirational Event
Puttur, 8 March 2024: The Women Empowerment Cell, Anti-Women Harassment Cell, Youth Red Cross Society, Institutions Innovation Council, and Equal Opportunity Cell of St Philomena College jointly celebrated International Women’s Day on 7 March 2024 at the SJM Hall of the College.
Mrs Violet N. Pinto, Founder and Proprietor of Imperial Furniture in Puttur and Sullia, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and delivered a lecture on the theme ‘From Ideas to Impact: Celebrating Women Innovators in Business.’ Drawing from her personal experiences, she emphasized the importance of facing challenges head-on, seizing opportunities, and recognizing one’s capabilities, while also highlighting the need for women to uphold the respect extended to them in society.
Dr Vijayakumar M., Vice Principal of the college, expressed that women are no longer considered the weaker sex in today’s era. He urged girls to pursue education, become role models in society, and demonstrate their empowerment.

Rev. Dr Antony Prakash Monteiro, Principal of the college and President of the program, emphasized the importance of both men and women being aware of each other’s rights and responsibilities. He stressed that women contribute significantly to the lives of men, and both genders are complementary to each other. He called the attention of the students to the need for education to foster inclusiveness in society, making it purposeful. He extended the wishes of International Women’s Day and urged the students and faculty to celebrate and honour womanhood by congratulating each other with deep respect.
Mrs Geetha Poornima K., convener of IIC and EOC; Mrs Noveline D’Souza, convener of AWHC; and Dr Dimple J. Fernandes were also present on the dais. The event commenced with a prayer by Rishitha and the team from III BBA. Sinchan II B. Com welcomed. Sahana Gowda II B. Com introduced the Chief guest, and Shishika from I BBA proposed a vote of thanks. Clinton Suares from I B.Com.compered the program.