St Antony’s Ashram Jeppu holds eighth day of novena
June 7, 2021
Rev. Fr Anil Alfred D’Souza the director of Diocesan Family Life Center offered the Holy Mass and preached a homily at St Anthony’s Ashram Jeppu on the seventh day of novena. The theme of the day was: praying for the married couples. These days there is a steady rise in the divorces and separations among the married couples. This is not a healthy development. There are various reasons for this phenomenon. But one among them is lack of patience and adjustment. Married life doesn’t become successful on its own. It has to be made successful by the couple through adjustment. Fr D’Souza called on the devotees to pray for the couple through the intercession of St Anthony.

Fr Roshan D’Souza the Asst Director conducted the novena.