St Agnes PU College inaugurates ‘ARTISTIQUE’ a certificate course in the arts
Mangaluru: “Explore your potentials for better living and acquire the necessary skills helping you to stay competitive.” Hundreds of Agnesians witnessed the solemn inauguration of ‘ARTISTIQUE’ a certificate course in the arts curriculum on 22 October 2021 offered by the department of Humanities, St Agnes PU College. The ‘ARTISTIQUE’ includes computer course and self-grooming skills. The event initiated with invoking of God’s benison on the new endeavor the certificate course was inaugurated creatively. Sr Norine Dsouza, the Principal of the college in her inaugural address congratulated the Dept of Humanities in their initiative in bringing the best of skills, trends and opportunities to the enthusiastic youth.

In her address, the Principal also expressed how the course will add colour to the natural beauty of the students. She encouraged students to be artistic in their thinking, dealing, acting and learning which will help them to bloom into beautiful Agnesians.
The chief guest Mrs Preethi DSouza gave a fitting start to the session by giving tips on self-grooming and engaged the students with her lively interaction.
The Principal- Sr Norine Dsouza, Vice Principal- Sr Janet Sequeira, the proprietor of the Prewinkle ladies beauty parlour and trainer of the certificate course Mrs Preethi Dsouza, Mrs Avitha DSouza, the HOD of Humanities, Mrs Olivia Patrao, Lecturer in Economics, graced the occasion.

Ms Ayesha Hannath, cultural secretary introduced the trainer and welcomed the gathering, Ms Trisha Shetty, Arts Secretary proposed vote of thanks and Ms Privy Dsouza, College President compered the programme.