St. Agnes PU College hosts Campus get-together for the Faculty, and support Staff
Mangaluru: St. Agnes PU College hosted a campus get-together for the faculty, and support staff on January 24, 2024. Sr Maria Shamita AC, the Provincial Superior of the Apostolic Carmel, Karnataka Province, was the esteemed guest of honor. Dr Sr Maria Roopa AC, Joint Secretary of the Agnes Group of Institutions, also graced the occasion and welcomed Sr Shamita and the gathering. The occasion was enhanced by invoking divine blessings through a prayer song by lecturers of St Agnes PU College.
Sr Shamita emphasized the importance of looking inward and urged everyone present to view teaching as a vocation. She exhorted the audience to aspire to move from “good to great” and highlighted it as a collective endeavor. The importance of reviewing, reflecting, responding, and self-rating as individuals was also accentuated by her. She concluded with a call to invest time wisely, prioritize important tasks, and strive for excellence and creativity in teaching.

Dr Geetha Nazareth, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, St Agnes Centre for Post Graduate Studies and Research, served as the charismatic anchor for the day. Mrs Preethi Patrao from St Agnes High School proposed the heartfelt vote of thanks.
Sr Carmel Rita, Administrator, St Agnes Degree College; Sr Edna Furtado, Coordinator, St Agnes CBSE School; and the Heads of the various institutions on the campus were among the other dignitaries present.