St Agnes College (Autonomous) holds Certificate Course in Hindi Translation
Mangaluru: The department of Hindi organised 30 hours certificate course in Hindi Translation from 25 July to 8 August 2020. A total of 11 resource speakers have shared their expertise with the participants and helped in the process of Hindi translation. The resource speakers were:

- Mr. Ambarish Kumar Singh, Asst. General Manager, Corporation Bank,Mangaluru.
- Mr. Jaishanker Prasad Tiwari, Asst. Director, Central Hindi Training Institute, Hyderabad
- DrB R Pal, Senior Manager (OL), MRPL Mangaluru
- Dr. Sukanya Mary J,Principal, Sri Poornaprajna Evening College, Udupi
- Dr. Nagarathna N Rao, Asso. Professor of Hindi, UniversityCollege Mangaluru
- Dr. S.A Manjunath HOD of Hindi, Pompei College, Aikala,Mangaluru
- Dr. Kalpana Prabhu J, HOD of Hindi, Canara CollegeMangaluru
- Dr. Parashuram G Malage, HOD of Hindi, Besant Women’sCollege, Mangaluru.
- Mrs.Thulasi, Senior Teacher, Dubai Scholar Pvt. School, UAE
- Dr. Dimple J Fernandes, HOD of Hindi, St. PhilomenaCollege, Puttur
- Dr. P V Shobha, Lecturer of Hindi, St. Agnes PU College
The certificate course was a successful National level event due to the enrollment and attendance of students from various states like Bihar, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala and others. It was highly appreciated by the participants. Around 220 students registered for the course. The certificates were given to the ones who fulfilled the requirement of attendance, MCQ and submission of the assignments.
Dr Sr Venissa A.C, Principal encouraged everyone with her kind words and conveyed her best wishes. Dr R Nagesh, HOD of Hindi coordinated the programme and Dr Shailaja Rai, Associate professor of Hindi assisted in organizing this certificate course.