Renewal Leaders Orientation and Rejuvenation program of DSC’s held at Bangalore by the KRSC
Bengaluru, February 27, 2023: Karnataka Regional Service of Communion (KRSC) organised two days Diocesan Service of Communion (DSC) Leaders Orientation as well as rejuvenation training program at Palana Bhavana, Archdiocese of Bangalore on February 25th and 26th.
February 25th, Day 1; Day began at 8:30am with Registration. At 8:45am Praise and Worship was led by Bro. Anthony Raj. Then KRSC Coordinator Bro. Cherian Rampuram welcomed the gathering. At 9:15am Bro. Mathew Thomas led the Ice Breaking session and introduction.

At 10am Most Rev. Dr Peter Machado Archbishop Of Archdiocese of Bangalore as well as President of KRCBC inaugurated the program together with Most Rev. Dr Lawrence Mukkuzhy, Bishop of Belthangady as well as Episcopal Advisor of KRSC. Archbishop invoked God’s blessings upon the program. He said that Prayer is the powerful weapon which we need to exercise in faith and in courage. God never lets us down. When we stand together in prayer, we can carry out His mission with love and compassion.
In his address Bishop Lawrence told that we are here to pray for the Church and Our Nation. We can attain peace among all the people with our sincere prayers and intercession. He promised Archbishop saying that KRSC & DSC is committed to support the Church of Karnataka through its intercessory prayers. Leaders gathered here are gifted by Jesus with various charisms to support the Church in its mission.
KRSC Spiritual Animator Fr Franklin D’Souza from the Diocese of Shimoga was present at the Dais.
Topics dealt for two days by the resource team were:
- Understanding the Call
- Works of DSC Leaders in developing and maintaining the relationships
by Bro. Cherian Rampuram - How to persevere, sustain & grow in the Renewal and Servant Leadership
- Primacy of the Word of God – How to Read, Interpret, Use and Memorise the Word of God by Fr Franklin D’Souza
- Charisms: Holy Spirit, the Primary Agent of Evangelization and knowing what charisms are, Receiving & using them by Bishop Lawrence Mukkuzhy
Sessions on;
- Group discussion on personal goal setting
- Group discussion on DSC goal setting – Introduction and workshop
Led by David Istacky - Group presentation session led by Cherian Rampuram
Both the days Holy Eucharist with homily was led by Bishop Lawrence Mukkuzhy.
Healing and Anointing Adoration was led by Fr Franklin D’Souza.
Bro. Elias Coelho and Bro. Kevin also helped in the Praise and Worship.
85 Participants from the ten dioceses were present for the program.
KRSC meeting, meeting with Spiritual Directors and meeting with Spiritual Directors as well as DSC coordinators was also held.

KRSC members: Coordinator Bro. Cherian Rampuram, Secretary Bro. Thomas Chinnappa, members; Bro. Elias Coelho, Bro. Ajay, Bro. K. J. Anthony, Bro. Abhishek, Bro. Joseph and Ex oficio member Bro. Joachim Pinto were part of organising the program.
Dioceses present were; Archdiocese of Bangalore, Mysore, Karwar, Chikmagalur, Shimoga, Belgaum, Belthangady, Gulbarga, Ballari, Mangalore.
Spiritual Directors present were; Monsignor Philip Kutty – Diocese of Belgaum, Monsignor Elias Sequeira – Diocese of Chikmagalur, Fr Lawrence – Diocese of Belthangady, Fr Cyril Lasrado – Diocese of Ballari, Fr George Lobo – Diocese of Gulbarga, Fr John Paul – Archdiocese of Bangalore and Fr Franklin D’Souza – Diocese of Shimoga
KRSC Secretary Bro. Thomas Chinnappa thanked Archbishop Peter Machado, Bishop Lawrence, Palana Bhavana Director Fr Cyril Victor, Fr Franklin D’Souza, KRSC Colleagues and all DSC Spiritual Directors as well DSC leaders of ten Dioceses.
Program concluded on February 26th at 5:30pm