Puttur: St Philomena College holds Annual Athletic Meet 2019-20
Puttur: Annual Athletic Meet 2019-20 of St Philomena College Puttur was celebrated on January 23.
Dr Gerald Santhosh D’Souza, Deputy Director of Physical Education, Mangalore University inaugurated the meet by releasing the balloons and declared the Athletic Meet open. In his inaugural address, he said, ‘Youth can do something constructive for the development of the nation. The physical exercise is the prerequisite for all human beings. The sports and games are not only for winning the championship, but also for maintaining physical fitness. Educational institutions which give equal importance for curricular, co-curricular and extra activities will get recognition from all corners.’
Rev Dr. Antony Prakash Monteiro, Campus Director was the guest of honour. He said, ‘The Olympics Game was started in Greece in 8th Century B.C. It aimed at promoting the physical qualities and to enforce harmonious relationship among the citizens of the nation. In athletic meet everyone must have an intention to participate. The principle of equal opportunity for all the citizens can promote the growth.’
Prof. Leo Noronha Principal delivered the presidential address. He said, ‘Winners never quit. Quitters never win. At a particular point of time everyone will win. Determination and hard work is the means of lucrative career.’
In March Past, the students of third year BCom ‘A’ section have won the first prize, the students of second year B.Com ‘A’ section have won the second prize and the students of second year B.Sc PCM/PMC have won the third prize.
The members of Performing Arts sang the prayer song. Mr. Prakash D’Souza, Physical Education Instructor welcomed the gathering. Prof. Malini K, Associate Professor of Chemistry proposed the vote of thanks. Mr. Rajesh Moolya, Physical Education Instructor coordinated the programme. Dr K Chandrashekar, Associate Professor of Physics compered the programme.
In the evening closing ceremony of the Athletic Meet was held. The Campus Director Rev Dr. Antony Prakash Monteiro expressed the closing remarks. The Principal Prof. Leo Noronha declared the Meet closed. The Physical Education Instructor Mr Prakash D’Souza presented the details of individual championships and team championships. The Sports Secretary Aravind S proposed the vote of thanks.