Puttur: College Day Celebrations held at St Philomena College
Puttur: St Philomena College Puttur organized 62nd College Day celebrations on March 3, 2020 in college quadrangle.
The Managing Director of Advanced Technical Services Co. W.L.L. and Associated Technical Services Co. W.L.L., Qatar Mr M. Ravi Shetty participated as the chief guest. He said, ‘Education is the powerful process of igniting the young minds of the students. It can also make the nation prosperous and powerful. We need moral based education and not wealth based education. Teachers always play a prime role as moral mentors in educational institutions.’
Principal Prof. Leo Noronha presented the annual report of the college. The Campus Director and Chairman of PG Studies Rev. Dr Antony Prakash Monteiro, President of PTA Mr Ammanna Rai and the President of Alumni Association Mr A. Jagajeevandas Rai graced the occasion.
Correspondent Rev. Fr Alfred J pinto presided over the celebrations.
On this special occasion, Prof. Ganapathy S, HoD of Eonomics, Prof. Maxim Carl, HoD of Commerce, Dr Prasanna Rai K, HoD of Botany and Mr Joachim Menezes, Office Staff were felicitated on attaining superannuation.
Lt Johnson David Sequeira, Associate NCC Officer was felicitated for being the Contingent Officer of Karnataka and Goa Directorate to train the cadets in New Delhi.
Ms Madhura P K, eighth rank in BSc, Ms Christel Livia Mascarenhas, ninth rank in BSc, Ms Roshni M Y, third rank in BBA, Ms Shabana, fourth rank in BBA, Ms Shivani, seventh rank in BCA, Ms Thashreefa Jahan, eighth rank in BA, Ms Navya Bhat, First rank in MCom, Ms Aparna G, 10th rank in MCom, Ms Chaithra B J, First rank in MSc (Mathematics) were honoured.
SUO Chethan P of first year BCA and JUO Mahalasa Pai G of first year BCom were felicitated for participating in Republic Day celebrations in New Delhi.
The members of Performing Arts Association presented the prayer song. The Dean of Humanities Prof. Dinakara Rao welcomed the gathering. Prof. Ganesh Bhat, Secretary of Staff Association proposed the vote of thanks. Mr Prashanth Rai, Department of Business Administration and Ms Yashaswi K S, PG Dept of Computer Science compered the programme.