Muller Medithon 2023
Mangaluru: Muller Medithon is an ideathon competition involving 43 multidisciplinary teams. Each team has members from medical, health sciences and engineering areas. It is open to both faculty and students.
Transdisciplinary research is the need of the hour to find solutions for various problems in the medical field and health care. Ideathon essentially involves formulation of solutions for problems and collaboration among various disciplines is required. Solutions could be in the form of development of cost effective devices with high end technology, artificial intelligence, developing apps, etc.
Muller Medithon was inaugurated at the Muller Mini of the Father Muller Convention Centre on 10 March 2023 with a wide diaspora of intellectuals from various field of medicine and technology. The program inaugurated by Dr Karunasagar ,with director of FMCI Rev father Richard A Coelho as presiding officer.
Idyya Karunasagar the chief guest cited that setting up of technology enabling centres like in NITTE University have helped propelled the interactive research leading to innovative modes in treatment. With the Indian Scientific board citing collaborative research through a scientific ecosystem and funding many breakthroughs in the way a person is medically treated. With the new education policy, the impetus for start-ups has gained momentum with 20% of work time to be devoted to research activity. This also helps in mentoring the young to look at research as not mere formality but a prospect of renewing healthcare.
Rev. Fr Ricard Aloysius Coelho in his address expressed that transdisciplinary research is the need of the hour, that from conceived ideas in the mind to delivered results. There is constant change in the medical arena where digital technology has taken over and transformation has taken place with evolution of machines to treat and test. Thus in the medical filed technology has become indispensable. Though technology has benefited, tech cannot and medicine cannot exist without tech other. Ideas need skill, which needs encouragement, thus will aim for quality research. He also thanked Dr B Sanjeev Rai for instituting the best researcher award in his name for the Faculty and Student of the Institutions.
Father Muller research centre takes the lead in co coordinating such collaborations. Participants are from medical, health sciences and engineering colleges in and around Mangalore. This is a fully funded event by the Father Muller Charitable Institutions with is unit Father MULLER Research Centre under the guidance of the Director FMCI
The theme for interaction is : transdisciplinary research and collaborations ..way to move forward. The closure ceremony will have distribution of prizes for ideathon and award for distinguished researchers ( faculty and students) of FMCI on 11 March Saturday post noon.
Dr Ramesh Bhat, Vice Principal FMMC, read out the bio-skketch of the chief guest, Dr Sanjeev Rai welcomed the gathered and Dr Animik Ray proposed the vote of thanks.
Organizing chairperson Dr Sanjeev Rai, organizing secretary Dr Animik Ray , vice chairperson Dr Ramesh Bhat, Chairman of scientific committee Dr Shivashankara AR, Chairman of registration committee Dr Beena Antony, Chairman of program committee Dr Santhosh Bailur, chairman of Hospitality committee Dr Anwesha Chatterjee and entire team of FMRC are putting their best efforts in making this event a great success .
Administrators of the FMCI Units graced the dais along with the Director FMCI and Chief Guest Dr Animik Rayand Dr B Sanjeev Rai.