Mount Carmel Nursery and Kindergarten kids celebrate Green Day – KONKANCATHOLIC.COM

Mount Carmel Nursery and Kindergarten kids celebrate Green Day

July 15, 2023

Mangaluru: The Nursery and Kindergarten kids of Mount Carmel Central School, Maryhill celebrated Green Day on 12th and 13th July 2023. It was lush green outside and inside the campus.  The students and the teachers fascinated the campus in green attire, a scene of prosperity. 

The pre-nursery and nursery kids in green attire began the day with prayer thanking God for the bounties of nature. The children actively participated and enjoyed all the activities of the day. They were enthusiastic to plant a few saplings. Teachers assisted them in colouring the tree with palm print, finger print and collage making. They had the joy of holding the green colour vegetables and fruits in hand like ridge gourd, bottle gourd, capsicum, cucumber, chillies, coriander leaves, water melon, green apple, papaya etc which otherwise they see in bits and pieces on their platter.

They later walked and talked with nature and learnt about different plants from the garden. The greenery is the habitat for many birds. The birds had built their nests on the trees in the campus. Their chirping and flying around fills the little ones with wonder, curiosity and awe. The kids are happy amidst flowers, butterflies, birds and sometimes amidst herd of cows which enters the nursery campus to graze. The sound of aeroplane up above in the sky lifts their spirit high forgetting that they are on the ground.  The nursery kids were happy to contribute their mite to Go Green movement of the school.

The LKG and UKG children began their celebration with the blessing of the Almighty. The students were involved in a number of activities on greenery, plants and water along with flora and fauna. Their classrooms were all lit up with the things green in colour.  They sang rhymes with their peers to promote “Go Green”. The students of LKG visited the school’s lush green campus, and planted a sapling in the name of their class, while the UKG students adopted an indoor plant for each class. The students were encouraged to bring healthy green snacks to enjoy during their snack time. They actively participated in the activities such as “Show and Tell” which enabled the children to develop their self-confidence and effective communication. They were given a hand band with words “Save Trees”. They also exhibited their presentation of the “Go Green” activity day. It involved the display on uses of  water such as drinking, cooking, vegetation and farming. The students of UKG displayed palm printing as a promise to save trees as well as the models of rain water harvesting, solar power etc.

Thus the students were educated that plantation leads to rain and the rain water gives life for the earth and its habitats. It was indeed a child centered day.  The teachers and students of other classes appreciated the neat and meaningful presentation of the kids in the hall.