Mount Carmel Central School holds a series of Teacher Development Programmes – KONKANCATHOLIC.COM

Mount Carmel Central School holds a series of Teacher Development Programmes

June 2, 2023

Mangaluru: Mount Carmel Central School organized a series of teacher development programmes for the staff from May 23rd to 26th in order to equip them to become effective facilitators.

On May 23rd, principal Sr Melissa welcomed all, specially the new staff members into the MCCS family. She briefed the staff about the vision and mission of the school as well as the rules and regulations of the management. Sr Carissima, the administrator highlighted the characteristics of an A.C teacher and urged the teachers to cater to the spiritual, intellectual, emotional and social needs of the students.  

In the afternoon, Dr Sr Dorothy DSouza A.C, principal of St Ann’s College of Education conducted a session on Service Learning in Schools. She elaborately dealt with the different steps involved in it and made the teachers work in groups to plan for the service learning projects which they need to execute during the course of the year.

The 2nd day commenced invoking God’s blessings. The Principal Sr. Melissa welcomed the resource person Dr. Nisha Singh from Delhi. The speaker highlighted the topic ‘Adding flavors to the syllabus’ with effective teaching tools. She conducted various activities through which teaching learning can be effective, energetic and informative. She also emphasized on facilitating the children from the head, heart and hands rather than only the text book. She urged the teachers to facilitate by adding flavors to the existing syllabus through minimum lecturing and maximum discussion, role play, art integration using creative and innovative strategies and ideas to reach the ultimate goal of education which is application of knowledge, critical thinking and meeting the challenges. She showcased through various activities the bonding of the teacher student relationship. Teacher Ananya Sneha welcomed the gathering and Teacher Poornima delivered the vote of thanks.  

The Day 3 commenced with a prayer. Teacher Neesha welcomed the resource person Ms. Sherimol from Calicut. She with her vibrant and charming personality found no difficulty in keeping the teacher audience engaged. Through the sessions, Ms. Sherimol emphasised on how our attitude can either make or break a teacher’s approach towards being successful in achieving the goal. The teacher audience were made to form groups and a number of activities were conducted to understand the psychology of success where one needs to have a right attitude to succeed.  Teacher Jacqueline delivered the vote of thanks.

On Day 4, Sr Asha Prima A.C, Superior of Vijaymari Convent was accorded a warm welcome as the new joint secretary of the school. The day began with a prayer song followed by a welcome song. Principal Sr Melissa welcomed the new joint secretary and introduced her to the gathering. Then the staff introduced themselves to Sister Asha Prima as the M.C, teacher Leena invited them in a creative way. Sr Asha Prima in her message thanked the staff for their loving welcome and motivated them to give their best to the all round development of the students under their care.

Indeed these days were a real awakening to the teachers as they imbibed more skills to impart true education to the students.