Mcc Bank holds annual review meeting
Mangaluru: The Annual Performance Review – 2020 of the Mangalore Catholic Co-operative Bank Ltd (MCC Bank) was held on 3rd December 2020 at Milagres Senate hall, Mangalore. The meeting began with a prayer led by MCC Bank Director Irene Rebello.
The program was inaugurated by Rev Fr Bonaventure Nazareth, Parish Priest of Milagres church by lighting the lamp.
Speaking during the occasion Fr Bonaventure, wished good luck to all and expressed his happiness to be here with MCC Bank family. He also appreciated the good work that MCC bank management and staff are doing by serving the public. He said a person never finds happiness in wealth but finds real happiness in good deed and service he gives to the people.
MCC Bank Chairman Anil Lobo presided over the programme. He in his presidential address called upon the staff to make recovery as a first subject of banking. Day to day recovery is a need of an hour. He also congratulated the best performing branches for their excellent effort and performance.
General Manager Sunil Menezes, presented the growth and briefed the future plans of the bank for the year 2020-21. He analysed the past growth for the year 2019-20. He emphasized that the staff should give more importance to the growth of the bank and needs to promote bank products to achieve the future goals.
Ex-DGM of Corporation Bank, P Shivaram Bhat in his talk on “Customer Service”, called upon the staff of MCC Bank to know the “I”, means knowing yourself, your strength and weaknesses and working to strengthen your weaknesses, “B”, means knowing the bank, it’s past present as well as future course of action, “C”, means knowing the customer, understanding him, his needs and expectations. He also asked staff to deliver customer service “SAFE”, i.e., speed, accuracy, friendliness and meeting the expectation. He asked staffs to do team work, understand role as a team member to ensure better customer service.
Professional Director of the bank C.G. Pinto reviewed the NPA for the year 2019-20, he called upon the staff at branch level to follow up the loan and to be more involved in recovery of the loans to achieve future goals set by management.
Bank Director Irene Rebello in her talk on “Stress Management” called upon the staff to manage stress, target to lead good life and also to contribute to the bank’s growth. She asked all the staff to stay positive and start the day with positivity, smile and to do exercise, have healthy food and stay healthy.
Retired staff of the bank, Janet Vas, retired after serving the bank for 32 years was felicitated by the management. Maan Patr was read by HR of the bank Anitha Dsouza.
Best performance branch award was bagged by Ashoknagar, Kinnigoli, Puttur and BC Road. Staff celebrating Golden birthday this year and birthday during the month were congratulated with flower bouquet.
General Manager Sunil Menezes welcomed the gathering.
Directors Anil Patrao, J P Rodrigues, Elroy K Crasto, David Dsouza, Dr Freeda F Dsouza, Irene Rebello, Roshan Dsouza, D J Patrao, Professional Directors C.G. Pinto and Michael DSouza among others were present.
Dy General Manager Raj Menezes proposed the vote of thanks. Credit Manager Deril John Lasrado compered the programme.