Mangaluru: New Year Celebrations at Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail
Mangaluru: New Year Celebrations at Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail began with the Adoration at 07:00 PM in the Church Grounds. Rev. Fr Austin Peter Peres, Parish Priest along with the Parish Youth led the Adoration.
The festal mass began at 08:00 PM. Rev. Fr Gerald Pinto, Residential Priest, Derebail was the main celebrant. Rev. Fr Austin Peter Peres and Rev. Fr Gratian Alvares concelebrated the Eucharist.
Rev. Fr. Gerald Pinto in his homily highlighted the life of Mother Mary and also the important role played by a Mother in each of our families. The Youth Choir of Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail added to the solemnity of the celebration.
Before the final blessings prizes were distributed to the winners of Individual Crib Making Competition and Ward wise Star Making Competition.
The oath taking ceremony of the Newly Elected Members of the Parish Pastoral Council was then held. This ceremony was initiated by Rev Fr Austin Peter Peres. The parishioners who participated in the Holy Eucharist witnessed the Oath Taking Ceremony.
Soon after the mass Refreshments were served. The Youth of Derebail performed a Flash Mob and housie housie was conducted by Mr Victor Correa and Mr Sandesh Mascarenhas. The programme was compered by Mr. Christon Menezes. The programme concluded with baila.