Mangaluru: Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha – New Chairman of the CCBI Commission for Liturgy
Mangaluru: The Plenary Assembly elected Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore, Karnataka, as the new Chairman of the CCBI Commission for Liturgy. he succeeded Archbishop Dominic Jala who passed away on 10 October 2019 in the USA. Archbishop Jala had served the CCBI as the Chairman of its Commission for Liturgy from 2003 to 2007 and from 2015 till his death.
The Conference also elected 26 Bishops of the CCBI to participate in the three week Golden Jubilee Conference of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) to be held in November 2020 at Bangkok in Thailand. The one day meeting of the CCBI discussed various matters affecting the Latin Catholic Church in India, which consists of 132 dioceses and 190 Bishops.
The CCBI animates the Church in India through its 16 Commissions and 4 Departments. Its main Secretariat is in Bangalore with extensions in Goa, Delhi and Pachmarhi (MP).
The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) which is the Canonical National Episcopal Conference is the largest in Asia and the fourth largest in the world.