Lourdes Central School holds Parent-Teacher Interactive Session -2023
Mangaluru: A grateful heart is the beginning of greatness. It is an expression of humility. It is a foundation for the development of such virtues as prayer, faith, contentment, happiness, love, and wellbeing.
A parent teacher interactive session was held for classes KG 1 to Class XII from June 3rd to June 9th in the Audio-Visual Room and School Auditorium from 8.30a.m. to 10.30a.m. The programme began with a prayer song lead by students of respective classes under the guidance of the Music Teacher Mr Ivan Mascarenhas & Mr Roshan Cordeiro. Respective Teacher compered the programme and welcomed the gathering. All subject teachers introduced themselves to the parents.
Ms Linette Pereira, KG 1 Lead teacher presented a PPT on Kindergarten Methodology. A Briefing on the highlights of newly started playgroup was done by Ms Jennifer Menezes.

Ms Suneeta for class I to V and Ms Gretta Menezes, the Exam Cell Coordinator for classes VI to X appraised the gathering about the New Education Policy 2020 and also briefed the parents about the present assessment structure. They also emphasized on how NEP has moved from “rote learning” to “competency-based education” adapting 21st Century Skills. Ms Roshni Jose coordinator of secondary section acquainted the parents of Class XI & XII about the CBSE guidelines regarding the examination policy.
Ms Apoline Lobo, in charge of Discipline Committee for classes I to V and Ms Anitha Thomas, the Vice Principal for classes VI to XII briefed the parents about the school discipline, Punctuality, Uniform code.
Ms Belita Mascarenhas encouraged students to ameliorate, transcend and not settle for mediocrity and instructed them to be resistant to change and go for the better; not to focus on the burden but to look towards the goal, which is to excel. She introduced the parents and students to the new Academic Support Classes (ASC). She also gave some important tips to the students with regard to critical thinking, competency thinking, and creative thinking.
The Session was kept open for feedback, queries and suggestions from parents. The Principal answered the queries of the parents, clarified their doubts and said that their suggestions would be considered. He also asked the parents to drop the queries and suggestions in the suggestion box if any. Election for the parent representative was conducted for all the classes.

Rev. Fr Robert D’Souza, the Principal addressed the gathering and thanked all parents for their gracious presence and wished good luck to all the students. He informed the parents and students about the upcoming Board Exams beginning no later than 15th of February 2024 urging the students to prioritize academic excellence, study for at least 2-3 hours per day and work hard to score above 90%. He also briefed about the silver Jubilee year and announced the 100% result of class X and XII 2022-23 in the CBSE board examination and owed it to the cooperation of parents, teachers and students. He proudly announced the strength of 110 staff and 2139 students on roll presently.
He created consciousness among parents to stimulate their interest in students and the school and to spend quality time with the students. He urged the parents to view the programmes on School YouTube channel and Facebook and requested them to subscribe for the school channel and to comment on every programme that is posted by the school. He stressed on making children responsible, disciplined, punctual and self-reliant, to encourage children to do self-study and avoid sending them to tuitions. He also spoke about hormonal changes in the students and requested parents to compulsorily send two tiffins with enough quantity of nutritious food along with a water bottle and a handkerchief and to spread positivity in their ward’s mind. He emphasised on the importance of happy classroom, happy school and happy homes which will create peaceful atmosphere and raise the standard of LCS. He also asked them to feel free to meet him if need be and told the parents to be vigilant and frequently check their ward’s bags. He stressed on car-pooling to avoid traffic jam.

In his address, he spoke about healthy food, punctuality, timings of school and safety of the child and told the parents to be patient, peaceful and happy which would help to build a peaceful and happy environment. In order to ensure the safety of the students, he asked the parents to collect the Aadhar card copy of the drivers of private transport and were requested not to send any relatives or friends to pick the child without a prior written note signed by the parent. He assured that their child would get quality education as per their expectations in Lourdes Central School. He informed the parents that they could meet the teachers on Mondays after the classes and also requested the parents not to telephone the teachers in the mornings, instead in emergency to send a WhatsApp message to the teacher.
Dr Shaweez Faizi, parent of class 2 appreciated the school and the principal for all the input session provided which has brought a noticeable change in their families and insisted other parents also to imbibe these values. The parents wholeheartedly appreciated the smooth functioning of the curricular and the co-curricular activities and the systematic diary rules and regulations. A request was made to have the transport facilities after school hours for those who are involved in the extra-curricular activities and also to have more sports activities for students.
The principal wished the parents all the best and said that LCS is always with the parents, and stressed on working together for the betterment of their ward. There were positive suggestions given for the smooth conduct of teaching learning process. He requested the parents’ continuous support for the upcoming silver Jubilee programmes and to take active part in the activities connected with the celebration. He thanked the parents and looked forward to their whole hearted support. He appreciated all parents for their good will in spreading the fame of Lourdes Central School. The sessions concluded with the vote of thanks.