Lourdes Central School celebrates ‘Founders Day’
Mangaluru: “The things you do for yourself are gone forever, but the things you do for others is a legacy carried by others forever”
‘Founder’s day’ was celebrated in Lourdes Central School on 4th February 2022 in the school campus. An assembly with prayer, prayer song and intentions gave an initial start. An apt thought for the day was given by Rhea Lobo of Class VIII. The significance of the day was effectively presened by Amoura Pinto of Class VIII. Ms Lydia D’souza a Pioneer staff member gave a full-fledged tribute to late Rev Fr Bernard L D’souza by her words of remembrance after which a floral tribute was offered by the Principal Rev Fr Robert D’souza, the Vice Principal Ms Belita Mascharenhas, Fr Anush D’cunha S J, the head boy, head girl and few students.

The Principal Rev Fr Robert D’Souza gave an inspirational message to the Lourdites saying “Self Discipline is Self Respect” He further advised the students to Trust themselves, Respect others and Believe in themselves. He encouraged the students to focus more on academics and affirmed that that this focus would keep them disciplined and at peace. Fr Principal spoke about ‘Our Founder – late Rev Fr Bernard L D’Souza’ as an exemplary personality and a great visionary who brought out the best by putting up this ‘Lourdes Central School’ .
The programme was highlighted by a role play on our Founder which was enacted by the students of Class VI and VII. Ayaan Khan of Class VII delivered the vote of thanks to wind up the celebrations. The programme was compered by Vraddhi Jain of Class VIII.
All the classes exhibited unique charts on Late Rev Fr Bernard L D’souza which highlighted his incomparable and distinct values.