Lamp Lighting and Oath Taking Ceremony of nursing students at Athena College of Nursing
Mangaluru: Lamp Lighting and oath taking ceremony for the 18th batch of GNM and 17th Batch of B.Sc Nursing students of Athena Institute of Health Sciences was held on 10th March 2021 at college auditorium.
Programme was presided over by Mr. R.S Shettian Chairman Athena Institute of Health Sciences and Professor Bridget Dsilva Principal Thejaswini College of Nursing was the chief guest. Mrs. Asha Shettian, Secretary Athena institute of Health Sciences, Dr. Ashith Shettian, Trustee, Mrs. Winny Crasta Nursing superintendent, Sr. Deepa Peter Principal, Athena college of Nursing and Dr. Sr. Alphonsa Ancheril Vice Principal Athena College of nursing shared the Dias.
Mrs. Genevive Serrao Head of Fundamentals of Nursing Department welcomed the gathering.
The Dignitaries on the Dias lighted the Indian lamp and officially inaugurated the programme.

The chief guest lighted the Lamp for Florence nightingale and garlanded the portrait and all the dignitaries paid their homage to Florence nightingale the founder of modern nursing by offering flower petals.
Significance of the day was highlighted by Dr. Sr. Alphonsa Ancheril Vice Principal and PG Coordinator.
Total 109 students were introduced to nursing profession through lighting the lamps and taking the Oath. Principal Sr. Deepa Peter administered the Oath.

The chief guest stressed on value of Nursing Profession and emphasized to ignite the nursing profession with lighted lamp all through the life. To keep a lamp lighted all the time it is not easy. We will come across many difficulties but this should not blow off our light. Overcome the difficulties and bright future waits you ahead. Mr. R.S Shettian Chairman of Athena Institute of Health Sciences in his presidential address reminded the nurses their role in restoring patients back to health. He stressed that nurses are the back bone of health profession and as such they should be well equipped with knowledge and skill.
Mrs. Lora Pais Assistant Lecturer of Fundamental Nursing Department Proposed the Vote of Thanks.
Programme was compared by Mrs. Lerissa Montero and Ms. Lavita Dsouza.
Photos by: Stanley Bantwal