Independence Day ceremony at Milagres Church,Mangaluru – KONKANCATHOLIC.COM

Independence Day ceremony at Milagres Church,Mangaluru

August 15, 2023

Mangaluru: On the occasion of the 77th Independence Day, the Catholic Sabha Milagres Unit and the Social Welfare Commission organized the Flag hoisting ceremony at Milagres Church Ground.

The program commenced to the beat of the Milagres Central School Band to escort the dignitaries.

Catholic Sabha President Mr. Valerian D’souza welcomed the Chief Guest Mr. Aphonsus Sylvester Mascarenhas, Parish Priest Fr. Bonaventure Nazareth, Fr. Michael Santhumayar, Fr. Robin Santhumayar, and Fr. Uday Fernandes, Parish Pastoral Parishad Secretary Mrs Jacintha Fernandes, Conveyor of all Commissions Mrs. Lynnette Fernandes, and the gathering.

The Chief Guest, Mr Alponsus Sylvester Mascarenhas, was introduced by Mrs. Philomena Ferrao, Secretary, Catholic Sabha. Mr. Mascarenhas was in service for 34 years under the Ministry of Defense Unit in the Production and manufacturing of Warships. He is now actively involved in a lot of charitable work in the education of rural children.

Mr. Sylvestor Mascarenhas, in his speech, expressed his thoughts about the issues in the country and how we need to uphold our Christian values and live in unity with all our fellowmen.

The church choir presented a melodious patriotic song. NCC cadet Orran Furtado assisted in the flag hoisting ceremony. Anita Fernandes, member of the Social Welfare Commission, proposed the vote of thanks. Ward Gurkars, Parish Council members, and around 500 parishioners were present. The people gathered proudly and gave respect to the national flag.

The program was coordinated by Mrs. Ophilia Moras and Mr. Ronald D’Souza. Mrs. Sunita Machado compered the program.

On behalf of the church, sweets were distributed. The program was concluded by the rhythmic beats of the Milagres Central School Band.