Holy Redeemer English Medium School celebrates the 78th Independence Day with patriotic fervor – KONKANCATHOLIC.COM

Holy Redeemer English Medium School celebrates the 78th Independence Day with patriotic fervor

August 15, 2024

Belthangady: Holy Redeemer School memorialized India’s 78th Independence Day with the spirit of patriotism, honouring the nation’s sovereignty, freedom, and unity.

The school band, led by Jevita Rodrigues, grandly welcomed the guests to the celebration with salutations. 

Sergeant Ronald Pereira, an ex-serviceman in the Indian Air Force, was the chief guest. Correspondent Very Rev. Fr Walter D’Mello presided over the celebration. Headmaster Rev. Fr Clifford Pinto, Rev. Fr Ajay of Bareilly Diocese, Parish Pastoral Council Vice President Mr Walter Monis and Secretary Mr Gilbert Pinto, Parish Commissions Coordinator Mrs Pauline Rego, Church Higher Primary School Headmistress Mrs Renny Vas, and PTA Vice President Mr Ramesh were the guests of honour.

The celebration began with the school choir singing the national song. Student Jenisha Veigas wholeheartedly welcomed the gathering. School Pupil Leader Vaishnavi, in a dignified way, requested the chief guest hoist the national flag. To the beats of the school band and the melody of the school choir, the National Anthem was sung in deep devotion. 

Student Riona Monis narrated the importance of the day. Celebration filled the air with patriotic vibes through a dance depicting love and respect for the nation. 

Teacher Preetha D’Souza introduced the chief guest, Sergeant Ronald Pereira. In his address, he gave insights on how to be a responsible citizen and also shared some of his experiences serving in the Indian Air Force. The correspondent, in his presidential remarks, told the young citizens to be loyal and service-minded towards the nation’s development.

Student Rishel D’Souza wholeheartedly thanked all the helping hands involved in making the celebration meaningful. Student Preksha compered the program. The headmaster gave the concluding remarks, appreciating the wonderful program put forth by the collective efforts of all staff and students. Sweets were distributed to share the joy of the day.