Fourth Day Novena prior to Feast of St Lawrence held at Bondel Church-Mangalore
Mangaluru, Aug 04: Fourth Day Novena prior to Feast of St Lawrence was held at Bondel Church-Mangalore
Theme of 4th Day -“Living in Unity is the strength of the families”
10.30 am Mass Rev Fr J.B Saldanha, Parish Priest , Bejai Parish was the main celebrant ,Rev Fr. Andrew Leo D’Souza ,Rev Fr Lancy D’Souza ,Rev Fr Austin Fernandes concelebrated the mass. Rev Fr. J.B Saldanha called on the devotees of St Lawrence-God’s desire is that His people walk in unity, but we are usually more interested in being right than in being one! We have not been faithful to reconcile ourselves one to the other by fervently seeking God in this regard. May we, as families, and as the Church, repentantly seek to be more interested in being one in Jesus, The choir was from-Bajjodi Parish.

After the mass Powerful Healing Testimony was given by Mother of Rachel & Samara (Twin Kids) from Moodbidri as her kids suffered from fever & later due to medicine reaction the kids were not able to walk & eat for a month. The family members kept all hope on Lord and prayed to “Powerful St. Lawrence at Bondel Church. This is a Miracle from St Lawrence .She says: We believed from our heart that this miracle has been granted to us by the Lord through the intercession of St. Lawrence. This wonderful Saint has worked wonders in my life. May the Lord be praised.
5.00 pm Mass Rev Fr Victor D’Mello Parish Priest- Paneer Parish celebrated Rev Fr Peter Gonsalves, Rev Fr Melwin Pinto were concelebrants. The choir was from-Casia Parish.
Special prayers offered for all the youth of the families