Felicitation to Distinction holders of 10th and P.U.C of Infant Mary Church, Bajjodi
Mangaluru: Students of the Parish who achieved 85% and above in 10th and P.U.C were felicitated after the 8.30 am mass on 23 August 2020 at Infant Mary Church, wherein Fr. Lancy Lewis was the main celebrant. The mass was con celebrated by Parish Priest Fr. Ivan D’souza and Companion Priest Fr. Patrick Lobo. Fr. Lancy Lewis preached the Homily.

A memento and cash were presented to Delan Shawn Pinto, Michelle D’souza and Carol Twinkle Crystal Lobo of class 10 and to Joswin Pinto Lauren Dias, Francisca Melissa D’souza, Fabiola Clarissa D’souza, Larren Peter Pinto, Chris Eden Moras, and Neha Mendonca, Lanson Fernades of P.U.C respectively by Fr. Lancy Lewis in the presence of Fr. Ivan Dsouza, Fr. Patrick Lobo and Vice President Mr. Prakash Saldanha as a token of appreciation for their achievement. Fr. Patrick Lobo presented a rose each to the parents. Parish council Secretary Mrs. Irene Pinto compered the felicitations. Parish priest Fr. Ivan D’souza thanked Fr. Lancy Lewis for his presence in the parish at this event and for celebrating mass. He wished Fr. Lancy success in his new mission on behalf of the whole parish community. The arrangements for whole programme was done by the president of the cultural committee – Mrs. Ashritha D’souza.
Photos by: Stanley Bantwal