Experiential Learning at New Age Incubation Center by St Philomenites
Puttur 9 June; Department of M.Sc. Computer Science, St Philomena College, Puttur conducted an Incubation Center visit to the New Age Incubation Center at Sahyadri College of engineering and Management on June 06.
In the Center Prof. Harish, Coordinator of Center of Excellence (CoE) handled the session for students by delivering basic concepts about Incubation Center and Start-up Companies. He elucidated various funding and schemes available for student Innovators and Entrepreneurs. Further he motivated the students to get direct applications into the Incubation center.
Students visited various Start-ups and other industries like, Aptra Technologies, Caliper Eng & lab Pvt Ltd, DTI Labs Pvt Ltd, Megamind, Power Loom Training Center rand RDL Technologies. Under the New Age Incubation Network, Students are encouraged to identify local problems and to develop appropriate Technology based solutions and working prototypes.
Students asked questions related to Start-Ups, Internships, and the way of succumbing their ideas to the Center.
Mrs Akshatha B, Ms Ramya S, Mrs Suraksha S Assistant Professors, PG Department of Computer Science and 18 Students immensely benefitted from the visit to the Incubation Centre.