CONFRATERNITY SUNDAY celebrated at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church with great fervour and devotion – KONKANCATHOLIC.COM

CONFRATERNITY SUNDAY celebrated at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church with great fervour and devotion

May 15, 2024

Udupi (Nirmalapadau): In preparation for the Annual Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Nirmalapadau, the CONFRATERNITY Sunday was celebrated on May 12, 2024, at 8:30 a.m.. 

The holy Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Rev. Fr Vincent Dsouza, Director of CODP, Mangalore Diocese. Fr Vincent said in his homily that the Eucharist is the center of our Christian life. 

The Eucharist binds us together in family and at large in the parish community. He also conducted the adoration. Many faithful shared their sentiments through their prayers. The Eucharistic procession was led by Fr Vincent. All the people gathered took part in the procession. 

The Holy Eucharist was carried in a decorated vehicle. The Vice President, Secretary, and members of Parish Pastoral Parishad assisted in conducting the procession. The liturgy was animated by the members of various commissions.

The church choir sang melodious hymns during the mass and the procession. Rev. Fr. Denis Dosuza, parish priest, concelebrated at the Eucharist and thanked the entire congregation for their active participation.