Charles Gonsalves(87), Madantyar
March 26, 2021

Charles Gonsalves(87), Retired teacher, H/o Late Annie Tauro, Father of Rev. Dr.Archibald Gonsalves (OCD), Dr. Richard/Dr. Ita, William/Seema, Vinitha/Harry, Jyothi/William, Shanthi/Melwin, grandfather of Andrea, Ancita, Riona, Hazeline/Rakesh, Harrison, Keerthi, Spoorthi, Sharon and Shaun.
Passed away on Friday, March 26.Funeral cortege leaves residence ‘Golden Charms’ Arthill, Madantyar to Sacred Heart Church Madantyar on Sunday, March 28 at 3.30 pm, followed by mass at 4.00 pm
Contact:Rev. Dr. Archibald7798050437. Dr. Richard 9845023518
By: Stanley Bantwal