Mangaluru: Self-reliance is the call of the day. The unprecedented economic crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic has prompted us to re-look at our resources and timeline to transform our commercial, environmental and societal prospects. In this context, the Department of Business Administration of St Aloysius College (Autonomous) Mangaluru launched a National Level webinar on the theme ‘ATMANIRBHAR- Think Local, Act Global’.
The panel of experts deliberated on the issues pertinent to the theme of being self-reliant in order to build nation’s strength and create a healthy, holistic and integrated livelihood.

Shri Nithin Vas, Founder, PaperSeed Company, focussed on adopting the Swadeshi model in incorporation of businesses. He stated that the history of our nation and the swadeshi movement endorsed by Mahatma Gandhiji is the path created to understand the concept of swadeshi in the right spirit. He ardently quoted the belief of Mahatma Gandhiji on non-violence, equality and justice as ingredients of being a true swadeshi. Re-use and Re-cycle is the call of the day.
Shri Shivanand Shetty, Assistant Director, CWC Namma Bhoomi, Kundapura reflected on self-employment opportunities for youth in India. He insisted on providing skill based education and vocational training to support the youth towards creating wealth through self-employment opportunities. He asserted that by creating social capital, building network, promoting agriculture and craftsmanship, developing the labour market, providing timely service and pitching ‘earn while learn’ scheme will reduce migrants from rural to urban areas and boost the rural economy. He stated that the traditional skills, values and wisdom must pass through generations.

Dr Nithin N K Balepuni, Project Officer, Heritage Village, Pilikula posited that local thinking is not just essential but it is our responsibility. Lack of availability of information and publicity of local products among the youth, price discrimination and lack of awareness about local produce/ingredients result in unequal socio-economic status. He enumerated some of the strategies suggested in order to promote the indigenous products like word of mouth promotion, social media networking, creating awareness about natural and spiritual significance of local ingredients, working on subsidies, referring medicinal significance for better health prospects, seek help from established marketing agencies, endorsing eco-tourism, instilling agro bio-diversity and taking advantage of regional differences will enable create an eco-friendly and sustainable commercial setup.
The welcome address was delivered by Dr Alwyn DSa (Controller of Examinations and Registrar In-charge), Principal, Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, SJ, in his opening remarks highlighted the idea of being self-reliant for confident and inclusive development as propounded by Gandhi. Dr Denis Fernandes, Director- Aruppe Block, highlighted the theme of the webinar and congratulated the Faculty of Management for coming up with the innovative idea. Mrs Arati Shanbhag, Dean- Department of BBA and Convenor of the programme, introduced the panel experts. The vote of thanks was proposed by Mr Sonal Lobo, Assistant Professor- Department of BBA. The programme was compered by Mr Manoj Fernandes. Faculty- Department of BBA.