A national seminar on millets for healthy living was held at SAC
Mangaluru: The faculty of Biological Sciences and the Department of Food Processing and Engineering, St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangalore, in association with Karnataka Science and Technology Academy (KSTA) organized a one-day National Seminar on “Millets for Healthy Living” on 16th March 2023 in L.F. Rasquinha Hall of LCRI Block.
Dr Sridevi Annapurna Singh, Director of CSIR-CFTRI Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru was the Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker. Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, SJ, Principal was presided over the programme. Dr Richard Gonsalves, Director of LCRI Block, Dr Narayana Bhat, Director of Xavier Block, Dr Denis Fernandes, Director of Arrupe Block, Dr Adarsha Gowda, Convenor of the programme and Prof. Harsha Paul, Dean for Biological Sciences were on the dais.

Dr Sridevi Annapurna in her speech spoke on the production and consumption of millets which is highly nutritious and eco-friendly grains. These grains help in preventing diseases such as obesity, diabetes, arthritis, cancer and so on which causes due to the imbalanced nutritious food. Consuming millets also provide self-stability and good health. This year is considered as International Year for Millets with the theme to produce more such grains and use it to improve the gut microbial of the people.
Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, in his presidential remarks briefed about the importance of healthy living. He suggested the students to produce the healthy products from millets and promote it for healthy lifestyle.

There were three sessions. Dr Girish Kumar B., Co-founder (Maa Ruchi), Negilayogi Enterprizes, Chamrajnagar, Karnataka was the speaker for the I session. Ms Renuka K., Founder and CEO, RVK Samrudh Healthy Foods, Pune, Maharasthra was the speaker for the II Session. The speaker for the III Session was Mr Jagadish B.S., Co-founder and CEO, Lite Fresh, Desi Viva Foods, LLP Bommasandra Industrial Area, Bangalore.
During the programme, Prof. Harsha Paul was honoured for his services in the field of teaching and remarkable role in implementing several biological programmes in the College.
Grinida, III B.Sc. compered the programme. Prof. Harsha Paul welcomed the gathering. Dr Hemachandra introduced the Chief Guest. Dr Adarsha Gowda proposed the vote of thanks.