30-Hours Online Certificate Course on Research Methods in Social Sciences organized at St. Agnes College (Autonomous)
Mangaluru: 30-Hours Online Certificate Course on Research Methods in Social Sciences was organized by Post Graduate Department of Commerce, St. Agnes College (Autonomous) from August 26 (Thursday) to September 09, (Thursday) 2021. Each day started with a prayer. Sr. Dr. M. Venissa A. C. Principal extended her best wishes to the department and the participants. Sr. Dr. M. Vinora A. C. Coordinator PG Studies welcomed the participant. Mrs. Dolan Champa Banerjee Department Head coordinated and moderated each session. She was also a resource person for one session. The beneficiaries of the course were faculty, research scholars and students. 66 participants registered for the course.
The main objective of the course was to impart knowledge about research and its technicalities in higher education. Each session was for 2 hours from 4 P.M to 6 P.M through Google Meet. At the end of each session forum was opened for discussion where participants conceptually cleared their doubts and queries asking related questions to the resource persons. Finally, sessions concluded with an attendance, feedback and assignment for the participants.

The details of each session are as follows:
August 26, 2021 (Thursday) Dr. Sharan Kumar Shetty, Associate Professor & GC Member
MSN Institute of Management, Bondel detailed the art of framing the title in Research.
August 27, 2021 (Friday) Dr. B. Vijayachandran Pillai, Director, Ahalia School of Management, Palakkad, Kerela, Former Professor & Head Department of Commerce & Management Studies, University of Calicut delivered a talk on Literature Review in Research.
August 28, 2021 (Saturday) Dr. Abhijit Manchakar, Director, AISSMSIOM, Pune detailed the concept of Research Design which is said to be the main pulse of any research work.
August 29, 2021 (Sunday) Mrs. Subharekha, Dean Administration, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru delivered a talk on Questionnaire Designing.
August 30, 2021 (Monday) Mrs. Dolan Champa Banerjee, Department Head, St. Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru delivered a talk on Sampling in Research.
Ms. Amitha Dinesh Prasad, CEO, Nobel Analytica, Bengaluru elaborated SPSS environment.
August 31, 2021 (Tuesday) Mrs. Subharekha, Dean Administration, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru detailed about Non-Parametric test using SPSS.
September 01, 2021 (Wednesday) Dr. Abhijit Manchakar, Director, AISSMSIOM, Pune detailed about Hypothesis Development and Testing.
September 02, 2021 (Thursday) Dr. Yathish Kumar, Associate Professor & Research Guide, University College, Hampankatta, Mangalore detailed about Ethics in Research.
September 03, 2021 (Friday) Dr. V. Premananda, Associate Professor & Research Guide, Post Graduate Department of Psychology, St. Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru detailed about Demonstration of Basic Parametric Test.
September 04, 2021 (Saturday) Dr. Kirti Dang Longani, Associate Professor, General Education Head, Ajeenkya DY Patil University, Pune detailed about Mediation & Moderation Analysis.
September 05, 2021 (Sunday) Dr. Dhananjay. P. Awasarikar, Professor, Suryadatta Institute of Management and Mass Communication, Pune detailed about Designing Qualitative Research.
September 06, 2021 (Monday) Dr. Pradipta Banerjee, Dean, Faculty Council of Commerce
Professor of Commerce & Head (Addl. Charge), Department of Business Administration (MBA), Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia-723104, West Bengal detailed about Correlation & Regression Analysis.
September 07, 2021 (Tuesday) Mrs. Subharekha, Dean Administration, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru detailed about Factor Analysis: An Introduction.
September 08, 2021 (Wednesday) Mrs. Subharekha, Dean Administration, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru detailed about Factor Analysis using SPSS.
September 09, 2021 (Thursday) Dr. Vishala B K, Selection Grade Librarian, St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru detailed about Mendeley: A Reference Management Tool.
All the sessions were apt as Research is the new buzzword in Higher Education today. The participants were happy and appreciated the effort taken by the department. They acknowledged that it was really a learning session for them and want to have more session like this in future. e-Certificate were provided to each participant.