Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD) to organise Taize 2020
March 9, 2020
Mangaluru: Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD) has taken the initiative of organizing Taize 2020 on the 14th of March, 2020 following the 5:00 P.M. mass. The Taize 2020 shall commence at 6:15 P.M.
Mr Norbert Misquith and the YSD members will be leading the Taize. The Taize would focus on the youth who are preparing for their exams, to help them answer their exams well with emotional strength to handle stress and curb suicidal tendencies. Also, prayers for healing from the global concern, the Corona virus would be recited, as part of the Taize.
This Taize prayer lays its hands open to embrace the troubles, pains and turmoils of all.
All are invited to experience the power of Taize.