Yoga Show at St Aloysius College (Autonomous) Mangaluru
Mangaluru: As a prior preparation for International Yoga Day, St Aloysius College hosted a grand Yoga Show on 20th April 2022 in College Auditorium. This Yoga Show was organized jointly by the Student Activity Cell of the College and Physical Education department in association with Delampady Yoga Pratisthana, Mangaluru. Proud alumnus of the Collge and founder of Delampady Yoga Pratishtana, Yogaratna Gopalakrishna Delampady was the chief guest of the programme and guided the entire Yoga Show by College students.
President of the programme and Principal of the College, Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, SJ, through his message expressed his joy looking at the involvement of students and staff members in various Yoga activities organized by the College. Through Yoga and Meditation, everyone can get sound mind and health. Healthy person with positive mind can contribute much to the society. Students need to involve more in Yoga and meditation for very good concentration, he added.

After the formal programme, students Sanvi Shetty, Dilton Ashwin Mascarenhas, Yukta and Samhita Tantry demonstrated complicated Yoga asanas like Eka Pada Rajakapothasana, Eka Pada Sirsasana, Yoga Nidrasana, Trikonasana, Urdwa Prasarita Padasana, Matsyasana and so on.
At the end, students of Delampady Yoga Pratishtana, Neena Pai, Bharati S Rao, Suma Shetty and Suneeta presented few Yoga asanas which added colour to the entire programme.
Dr Ishwara Bhat S, Dean, Student Welfare welcomed the gathering. Sindhoora compered the programme. Durgashree and Jackson Christ D’Souza did invocation. Mr Arun D’Souza, Physical Director of the College, proposed vote of thanks.