Valedictory programme held at St Agnes College Mangalore
Mangaluru: St Agnes College held its Annual Valedictory Programme for the final Year degree students on 14 March 2020. The cabinet members escorted Sr Dr Jeswina A.C, the Principal, Sr Dr Venissa A.C, the Vice Principal, Sr Carmel Rita A.C, the Administrator, Mr. Charles Pais, the registrar, and the Deans to the venue. The programme started with invoking God’s blessings. Students read scriptures from the Holy Bible, Bhagavathgeetha and Quran adding real meaning to the programme. The programme was conducted by the Departments of History and Political Science, assisted by the Departments of Kannada and Journalism.
Ms. Reeya welcomed the gathering and Ms. Savina, II year student compeered the programme. The II year students entertained the gathering with fun filled skit performances and songs which recalled the college days and brought down the memories from the past 3 years.
Sr Dr Jeswina AC lead the final year students in Oath taking ceremony and Cabinets handed over college emblem and the college flag to the Principal as a symbol of completion of their academic responsibilities and Principal in turn handed over to one of the representative of second year.
Sr Dr Jeswina A.C in her address stressed the importance of applying the values and morals learnt in these three years in their everyday life, to come back and share their experience, attend the alumni reunion programme which will be held on 4 January 2021.
Ms. Preethi, II year student shared experience with the seniors highlighting their contributions and learning experience they received from the way of carrying out their responsibilities. The dedication and efforts taken by the seniors in every activity of the college was recalled during her speech.
The President and Vice Presidents recalled the memories of three years, the companionship and the various extracurricular activities, the support and guidance of the teaching and non-teaching staff during the three years. The programme finally concluded with the Ms. Mareinsa proposing vote of thanks. Deans, HODs and all the faculty members were present for the programme.